So it’s Monday again, huh?
I always enjoy the weekends because I can really get things done. On all the other days, I sleep till 10 or 11 am, just having enough time left to surf the internet a little, get on my feet and be ready for work (mostly) on time. In the evening I’m trying to be home as soon as possible, but usually I’m too tired to do anything productive.
So this weekend I was busy coding Pacfriends like a madman. I won’t have to manually edit the gallery structure in the database anymore, everything works with forms and buttons now. There are still a few things I want to finish while I’m into this again, for the next public update. This has been getting in the way of more creative stuff I was working on, but it has to be done.
Something I accidentally found for my MP3 player: Rockbox. This is basically a highly customizable piece of open-source firmware for iPods, iriver and Archos MP3 players. There are a lot of features, even more than the already good iriver firmware, like theme support, gapless playing, support for AAC and other files, video playback, games… You can even download plug-ins for even more stuff you can do! Rockbox even increases battery & disc performance, has a better volume control and allows you to fine-tune every setting you could want to change. I played around with it yesterday for hours, and I’m going to test everything else today.
Finally my brother and I got ourselves a new video game to play with: Need For Speed Carbon. I think they should have called it Need For Speed Underground 3, but everything else is fine 😉 The cops are still part of the game, but the races are at night again, the drift mode is back in while drag had to go. Drifting is more fun now, because you have more control over your car and you’re able to make really long drifts with a higher speed. Like this guy did. The new type of race, canyon racing, is pretty cool because you first have to chase your opponent down a mountain street – you get most points if you stick close to him – and then you are chased down the same road, losing your points when the opponent gets close to you. You can even fall off cliffs or be passed, both are reasons to lose the race.
Today the 12th episode of Pure Pwnage has its internet premiere. This will be the season finale, with stuff like the crew’s real names being revealed and the a possible final story-wise showdown. I’ve been following the online series since my brother found it on Xfire a couple of months ago, so I’m excited. There’ll be a DVD available too, so you can be sure I’m going to get one 🙂
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